Virtual Seller Fly In with ASBFEO, Kate Carnell

October 15, 2020

Across the globe, eBay, together with select groups of its community of sellers, regularly engages with politicians and government officials. While we couldn’t meet in person, this week our Head of GR and Public Policy Luke Aitken ran a virtual seller fly in with Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBEFO) Kate Carnell.

The ASBFEO is an independent advocate for small business owners.  Located in Canberra, the ASBFEO has legislative powers which allow the Ombudsman and her office to influence our nation’s lawmakers, ensuring legislation and regulations are put in place to help small businesses grow. The office also provides small businesses and family enterprises with assistance should they find themselves involved in a business dispute.

The meeting with our sellers was a great opportunity to discuss with Kate some of the key challenges facing small businesses operating online including postal services, freight and logistics as well as the management of staff and mental health during the pandemic period.

Sellers joining the call were Matthew Liu of Yellow Earth Australia, Lisa Bundensen of Steel Forged Knives and Chris Tourgelis of OPUS Design. eBay would like to thank all three sellers for taking the time to attend the meeting.