National Cyber Security Awareness Week - Launch

June 22, 2010

The Minister for Broadband, Communication and the Digital Economy Senator Stephen Conroy together with the Attorney General, the Hon Robert McClelland launched National Cyber Security Awareness Week on Sunday 6th June at Melbourne’s Federation Square.

National Cyber Security Awareness Week ‘Protect Yourself Online’ is designed to better educate individuals by providing tools and information that can be used by individuals online.

The Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner, Neil Gaughan said: "Australian consumers need to start applying the same rigor to their security checks when dealing with money online, as they would offline. Very few people would send cash through the mail without taking the correct precautions, so it\'s important that Australians behave the same way online to avoid falling prey to scammers. It is a joint responsibility of the Government, Police and business to prevent these scams."

Australians are advised to take six simple steps to improve their online security at home and at work:

1. Install security software and update it regularly.

2. Turn on automatic updates so that all your software receives the latest fixes.

3. Get a stronger password and change it at least twice a year.

4. Stop and think before you click on links or attachments.

5. Stop and think before you share any personal or financial information – about yourself, your friends or family.

6. Know what your children are doing online. Make sure they know how to stay safe and encourage them to report anything suspicious.

In partnership with the Government, eBay and PayPal were both at the launch of the week in Melbourne. For more information please visit Please email any enquiries regarding phishing or spoof emails to or

Cyber Security Launch







Minister for Broadband, Communication and the Digital Economy - Senator Stephen Conroy, Managing Director of PayPal Australia - Frerk-Malte Feller and Attorney General - the Hon Robert McClelland.