eBay continues to innovate, invest and protect its industry-leading safety measures for both buyers and sellers. With over 10 million positive feedbacks and counting, we are proud to be a Top Rated Seller at the most trusted and diverse marketplace that stands behind the excellent quality and promises from both professional and consumer sellers alike.

Jack Sheng
The idea for eForCity came while Jack Sheng and his friends were sitting in a garage -contemplating life." Frustrated by the flooded market of overpriced gadgets and accessories, Jack and his friends decided they would sell bargain priced electronic accessories online. Thus, the very place where they conceived the idea became their HQ, selling products on eBay from their garage. Jack and his partners reinvested all of their products back into the business so that they could grow their inventory quickly. eBay was an enabler to reach out to a lot of customers for very little money. In the infancy of the ecommerce world, Jack and his friends saw an opportunity for success in an industry they loved.