Government Relations team educates local Portsmouth, NH online sellers group on Internet sales tax

June 4, 2013

This week, Federica Rabiolo, an eBay Inc. Government Relations team member, visited the Seacost eBay and ecommerce sellers meet up group, in an effort to educate, engage and activate local sellers from New Hampshire and surrounding states. Federica gave the sellers an overview of the ongoing Internet sales tax debate and talked about the ways the Marketplace Fairness Act would negatively impact their small businesses. The meeting was very successful and sellers commented on the way the information provided empowered them go out there and  contact their legislators about the issue.  In the coming months the Government Relations team representatives plan to attend more local meet-up meetings to shed light on the importance of timely action when it comes to the so-called Marketplace Fairness Act. To find out how you can have a Government Relations team member attend your local eBay meet up group contact us at