EU Small Business Export Report

Two top European Union strategies to foster balanced, sustainable, and resilient economic growth are to expand Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise digitalisation and international trade activity. Our new report uses eBay marketplace data to confirm that its global ecommerce marketplace is helping achieve these important goals across the EU.

Top Findings Include:

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97 percent of eBay small businesses in the EU are exporters
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eBay small business exporters in the EU sell into an average of 18 international markets 
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eBay exports promote resilience by expanding export diversity in every EU Member State
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eBay small business activity in Europe is often a counterweight to regional economic imbalances
  • Maria Gabriella Russo
    eBay allowed me to start a business and still have time at home with my growing family. It started as just a small warehouse in my basement, but now I have a thriving storefront and I ship Italian goods all around the world.
    Maria Gabriella Russo
    You Dream Italy
  • Paul Jones
    When I got started, I didn’t give much consideration to reaching customers outside of Germany. That changed when I saw how easily eBay connected me to the global marketplace. Now, I sell all over the world, giving used furniture a new life and working towards a more sustainable, circular economy. This has not only helped my business grow but also supports our mission to reduce waste and extend the lifecycle of products.
    Paul Jones
  • Audrey Flores
    Thanks to my online shop and the visibility eBay provides throughout the world, more than half of my sales are cross-border transactions.
    Audrey Flores
    Magstore and More
  • Kristian Rautert
    eBay gave me access to the worldwide market and provided the necessary tools to grow and develop my entrepreneurial site. Buying and reselling electronic goods is my big passion because I believe in a world where we can recycle, upcycle, and reuse all technical products. I want to make this happen on a global scale with great passion, because old does not mean bad—every item can find a new, valuable life somewhere in the world.
    Kristian Rautert
  • Michal Szpin
    We choose to sell on eBay because it’s a fantastic platform for quickly scaling our business across various countries. Moreover, eBay provides exceptional support to leverage these opportunities to their fullest.
    Michal Szpin
    Global Parts
  • Frank Burguera
    "Selling on eBay has helped expand our physical business. It’s like having a virtual shop in every country around the world.”
    Frank Burguera
    California Motorcycles

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